Nick & Meaghan Home Page Banner

Nick & Meaghan

September 21, 2024
56 Days To Go!

Nick & Meaghan

September 21, 2024
56 Days To Go!


Nick & Meaghan Home Page Banner
September 21, 2024

Wedding day

September 21, 2024
Phantom Creek Estates
4315 Black Sage Road, Oliver, British Columbia, V0H 1T1, Canada
Thank you for visiting our wedding website! Here you will find everything you need to know about our big day. You’ll find booking information for accommodations, information about car rentals and airports in the area, as well as some ideas of fun things to do while you’re in town. You’ll also get a little look into our love story, an introduction to our bridal party, as well as answers to some questions you may have. We will continue to update this site as we solidify more details. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!